Calling this "mid-October," still due "mid-December |
Did you know?
- None of my babies have been strong constant movers. The only times I really feel them are the 20 mins right after I lay down for the night (because I relax and they have a bit more room) and when they are hungry (about 5 mins before I realize the burn in my tummy is hunger.) It is known that babies react strongly to your hunger and even the Mommy's thoughts of food. So, if you have a baby who is not cooperating at a gender-seeking ultrasound, just imagine a sugary cupcake and many times the chemical spike of your body preparing to eat sugar will wake/excite the baby into moving! A foot massage also works to move the little one in that it relaxes Mom and gives the baby room to stretch.
- Chiropractic care during the third trimester can lead to a sooner and quicker birth. Most women walk around with their hips out of alignment from that monthly assault of hormone fluctuation. This can be even worse for pregnant ladies. A proper alignment of hips and spine give the baby a clear path down and out. Go 3 times in your last month and that baby slides out! (haha, maybe not, but it could make it a heck of a lot easier and who wouldn't want that?!) *While alignment of bone is the goal, it is really muscle that needs to be trained to hold and flex position. It takes longer to coax muscle to what it should be, but massage therapy with chiropracy can work miracles! This in part is why Prenatal Yoga is so popular and beneficial. It can take longer to get the result, but the benefits last as strong muscle holds the bones in place so a chiropractor doesn't have to "pop" them back into line.*
- *This fact will make you seem smart and knowledgeable to medical professionals.* If you are currently carrying your first child in your womb who is past 20 weeks (the current viability age) you are called a "primip." Nurses and hospital staff like to throw this around to describe women likely to have a longer labor and very newly experience labor pains. It can sometimes come off as a bit condescending. If you are on a subsequent pregnancy past 20 weeks you are considered a "multip." This can be used to warn doctors and nurses of a quicker pregnancy and a woman who knows what she is doing (likely to push if she feels like it.) Even more explanatory is the term "granmultip," which represents a woman on her 5th or later pregnancy past 20 weeks. This woman is a pro at birth and procedures as well as fertile.