Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pregnant Thoughts

Calling this "mid-October," still due "mid-December
  The other day I was spending my ritual 1/2 hour pulling together dinner and doing dishes while Michael enjoyed his post-work beer outside on the patio watching the kids play in the yard.  I had to pause for a second and smirk, because here I was, in the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant.  The funniest thing about all of this is that here is where I fit.  I love this time I get a much needed break from the children.  I love having a clean kitchen with which to present my culinary masterpiece of the day (sometimes just sandwiches, but they can be elegantly arranged on a plate.)  I love that Michael gets to spend relaxing time with his children and they get to go crazy outside for a bit.  I love not wearing shoes.  I love feeling the little one inside me react to the loosening of my body and the release of "happy" hormones.  We get our girl time and just get to enjoy the moment.  So while I have not been writing Gabe's birth story, I have been just enjoying and loving life.  There\are some things I really enjoy about pregnancy - so many cool and interesting happenings.

Did you know?

  1.   None of my babies have been strong constant movers.  The only times I really feel them are the 20 mins right after I lay down for the night (because I relax and they have a bit more room) and when they are hungry (about 5 mins before I realize the burn in my tummy is hunger.)  It is known that babies react strongly to your hunger and even the Mommy's thoughts of food.  So, if you have a baby who is not cooperating at a gender-seeking ultrasound, just imagine a sugary cupcake and many times the chemical spike of your body preparing to eat sugar will wake/excite the baby into moving!  A foot massage also works to move the little one in that it relaxes Mom and gives the baby room to stretch.
  2.   Chiropractic care during the third trimester can lead to a sooner and quicker birth.  Most women walk around with their hips out of alignment from that monthly assault of hormone fluctuation.  This can be even worse for pregnant ladies.  A proper alignment of hips and spine give the baby a clear path down and out.  Go 3 times in your last month and that baby slides out! (haha, maybe not, but it could make it a heck of a lot easier and who wouldn't want that?!)  *While alignment of bone is the goal, it is really muscle that needs to be trained to hold and flex position.  It takes longer to coax muscle to what it should be, but massage therapy with chiropracy can work miracles!  This in part is why Prenatal Yoga is so popular and beneficial.  It can take longer to get the result, but the benefits last as strong muscle holds the bones in place so a chiropractor doesn't have to "pop" them back into line.*
  3.   *This fact will make you seem smart and knowledgeable to medical professionals.*  If you are currently carrying your first child in your womb who is past 20 weeks (the current viability age) you are called a "primip."  Nurses and hospital staff like to throw this around to describe women likely to have a longer labor and very newly experience labor pains.  It can sometimes come off as a bit condescending.  If you are on a subsequent pregnancy past 20 weeks you are considered a "multip."  This can be used to warn doctors and nurses of a quicker pregnancy and a woman who knows what she is doing (likely to push if she feels like it.)  Even more explanatory is the term "granmultip," which represents a woman on her 5th or later pregnancy past 20 weeks.  This woman is a pro at birth and procedures as well as fertile.
If you want further information or sources for these "facts" just ask.  There is more information and awesomeness where these came from (mainly my stack of Doula training books and supplemental reading.)  I hope you enjoyed the picture of the fat lady and insight to what she is thinking about!  You'll hear from me next on the subject of April 2010 and the little man who changed our lives forever...duh duh duhhhh!


  1. That's really interesting about the baby moving when you're hungry. I thought it was that the baby could sense that I was preparing food because every time I'm making dinner (or any meal, really) he seems to move.

  2. Same with me, Betsy *with the whole baby moving a lot while I'm preparing meals*. Now it all makes sense :) Thanks for the food for thought, Grace. I'll definitely want to go to the chiropractor the last month. Julian was overdue, and both sides of the gene pool had drastically overdue babies. Although I've also heard the world average length of gestation is 41 and a half weeks. The only thing that concerns me about the whole "overdue" thing is that the baby may pass his first poo in the womb, and eat it which I hear is dangerous. Here's a thought on that though -- is the danger of the baby ingesting his/her meconium really that terrible? Have you learned anything in your doula studies on this? If so, do share! :)

  3. You look adorable, by the way.

  4. Liz, from what I remember, ingesting meconium is not so much of a problem as the choking on meconium that has not been diluted with amniotic fluid. There is usually some bit of meconium with "late babies," and it is usually not as huge a problem as you hear. This is one of the main reasons they routinely suction right at birth.
    The biggest trouble is a long labor with a breech baby as they have a longer more stressed time with which to possibly choke as the stress can cause the bowel movement to happen. So best I can tell you is to stay relaxed to help the little one relax.
    Also don't smoke, because those toxins can actually be measured in meconium from babies of Moms who smoke. I'm guessing because their little bodies worked to filter out what made it through the placenta.
    *Isn't it super cool what even just thoughts of food can do to your body/the baby?! This is also starting to be used in therapy for diabetics. Something about pregnancy ups the reaction time and levels of insulin spikes.*

  5. Hello! I am Lisa Gale's friend in Austin. I love this post! I am recently a stay at home mom, and I had been having trouble reconciling the fact I no longer work. Moments like you describe are what make it enjoyable for me. :)

    On another note-the rain has cancelled our picnic today. If you'd like to still get together and do something else, we still can. There is a chili cookoff on Main Street on Saturday we were going to try to make, if you'd like to join us. Let me know. :)

  6. OOOOOoo I pointed out the cook-off signs to my husband last weekend and his face lit up like Christmas, haha! Yes, let's meet Saturday. I have your email from Lisa, check it soon!

  7. Ok-so for tomorrow, here's the info on the Chili Pfest.

    10:30 a.m. Healthy Pfit Walk – Meet Mayor Jeff Coleman at the stage and burn some calories as part of the HEB Community Challenge. Participants get a raffle ticket.
    11 a.m. – Shopping opens.
    Noon – 4 p.m. Chili tasting, washers tournament registration (Hanovers).
    1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Children’s area – bounce houses, arts and crafts.
    2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Live Music from One Shot Johnny.
    4 p.m. – Chili Tasting ends and judges pick up chili tickets.
    4:30 p.m. Raffle and chili winners announced.
    6-9 p.m. Live music from Go For Broke.
    10 p.m. LC Rocks at Hanovers.

    Chili Tasting!
    Purchase your chili sampling cups at one of the ticket/cup sampling booths downtown. For $5 you receive 25 sample cups, 25 voting tickets and 5 spoons. Sample chili from chili cooks and CASI cooks lined up along the road. Give your chili tickets to your favorites to help them win People’s Choice! Chili is served from noon – 4 p.m. or while supplies last. Each vendor has a balloon to fly while they still have chili to give out! Once out of food, the balloon will go away – this will let you know who to approach! Have a great time sampling all the chili! Proceeds from the 2012 chili cup sales benefit Pfriends of the Pflugerville Community Library.

    Parking is available at Pflugerville High School, 1301 W. Pecan, with free shuttles dropping off at 4th and Main. For more information on Chili Pfest visit

    The kids' area doesn't open till 1pm and has a headlining performer of 'Hey Lollies' at 2pm. I don't know who they are, but sounds like something Colton would enjoy. :) My friend who I usually meet for Wednesdays wants to go, and her girls have gymnastics till 11. Once they start chili tasting, it'll be pretty crowded. (not usually the kids' area though, just crowded in general. Everybody wants chili and you have to get there early before they run out if you want to taste.) With that in mind, when do you want to meet?

  8. PS: I spoke to my other friend, and she will be there a little after 11. I will probably get there closer to 12. If you email me and include your cell#, I'll send you my cell# and we can text at arrival and catch up once we're there.

  9. You look fantastic!!! All belly!! And those are all interesting things about hunger/baby movement. Did you ever end up hooking up with my cousin?
