Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pregnant Thoughts

Calling this "mid-October," still due "mid-December
  The other day I was spending my ritual 1/2 hour pulling together dinner and doing dishes while Michael enjoyed his post-work beer outside on the patio watching the kids play in the yard.  I had to pause for a second and smirk, because here I was, in the kitchen, barefoot, and pregnant.  The funniest thing about all of this is that here is where I fit.  I love this time I get a much needed break from the children.  I love having a clean kitchen with which to present my culinary masterpiece of the day (sometimes just sandwiches, but they can be elegantly arranged on a plate.)  I love that Michael gets to spend relaxing time with his children and they get to go crazy outside for a bit.  I love not wearing shoes.  I love feeling the little one inside me react to the loosening of my body and the release of "happy" hormones.  We get our girl time and just get to enjoy the moment.  So while I have not been writing Gabe's birth story, I have been just enjoying and loving life.  There\are some things I really enjoy about pregnancy - so many cool and interesting happenings.

Did you know?

  1.   None of my babies have been strong constant movers.  The only times I really feel them are the 20 mins right after I lay down for the night (because I relax and they have a bit more room) and when they are hungry (about 5 mins before I realize the burn in my tummy is hunger.)  It is known that babies react strongly to your hunger and even the Mommy's thoughts of food.  So, if you have a baby who is not cooperating at a gender-seeking ultrasound, just imagine a sugary cupcake and many times the chemical spike of your body preparing to eat sugar will wake/excite the baby into moving!  A foot massage also works to move the little one in that it relaxes Mom and gives the baby room to stretch.
  2.   Chiropractic care during the third trimester can lead to a sooner and quicker birth.  Most women walk around with their hips out of alignment from that monthly assault of hormone fluctuation.  This can be even worse for pregnant ladies.  A proper alignment of hips and spine give the baby a clear path down and out.  Go 3 times in your last month and that baby slides out! (haha, maybe not, but it could make it a heck of a lot easier and who wouldn't want that?!)  *While alignment of bone is the goal, it is really muscle that needs to be trained to hold and flex position.  It takes longer to coax muscle to what it should be, but massage therapy with chiropracy can work miracles!  This in part is why Prenatal Yoga is so popular and beneficial.  It can take longer to get the result, but the benefits last as strong muscle holds the bones in place so a chiropractor doesn't have to "pop" them back into line.*
  3.   *This fact will make you seem smart and knowledgeable to medical professionals.*  If you are currently carrying your first child in your womb who is past 20 weeks (the current viability age) you are called a "primip."  Nurses and hospital staff like to throw this around to describe women likely to have a longer labor and very newly experience labor pains.  It can sometimes come off as a bit condescending.  If you are on a subsequent pregnancy past 20 weeks you are considered a "multip."  This can be used to warn doctors and nurses of a quicker pregnancy and a woman who knows what she is doing (likely to push if she feels like it.)  Even more explanatory is the term "granmultip," which represents a woman on her 5th or later pregnancy past 20 weeks.  This woman is a pro at birth and procedures as well as fertile.
If you want further information or sources for these "facts" just ask.  There is more information and awesomeness where these came from (mainly my stack of Doula training books and supplemental reading.)  I hope you enjoyed the picture of the fat lady and insight to what she is thinking about!  You'll hear from me next on the subject of April 2010 and the little man who changed our lives forever...duh duh duhhhh!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Little Things...

  Man those little things add up.  Little things go wrong and suddenly I am in full meltdown mode.  Little things go right and Life could never be better!  We went through a lot of emotional ups and downs the past week.  In the interest of full disclosure, I will update you on Leland Life - via bullet point - "downers" first -"ups" last to ensure smiles and not leave you thinking I am drowning in tears.

  • Sickness!  A total body dump for Mom and endless snot for the babies.  We are still fighting this, though the mucus has gone from clear to thick and green(which I think means healing, but makes your head all the heavier!)
  • We have no friends!  Ok we do have friends, but no families with young children here in the area.  It is such a blessing to have similar minded/situated friends making their way through life with you a quick drive away.  Plus the kids NEED other kids to play with/learn from.  Ok maybe they don't need them, but it makes mom's life easier.
  • I am absolutely awful at making friends!  I have attempted 3 meetups here in North Austin.  The first I was in the wrong place (I jumbled highway numbers.)  The second I was the only one to show(it was a daily Mass meet-up, so my friend Jesus was there, and able to witness Gabe dump a bowl of Holy Water during Communion.)  The third, another mom said she was there, but I could not find her(She claimed to be late and then drove a car other than what she had told, I drove home 2 hrs later in tears.  How am I supposed to enjoy the park, when I am constantly looking for someone/checking my phone?)  I also suppose it can be intimidating(?) for people to walk up and friend me, the frazzled very pregnant one with two very active toddlers.
  • My family is faaaaar awaaaay and they all live together (Mom, Dad, 5 siblings.)  So I am pretty much on my own out here and out of thought or at least out of phone calls...aaahhem (hint hint.) 
  • This Holiday Season is also looking pretty lonely!  We cannot afford to go anywhere, plus we have a little one growing who could make her appearance from Thanksgiving to Christmas!  Some of Michael's family has mentioned trying to visit, but no definites and some of them have just made their own move away from Texas to St. Louis!  My family is crickets.  Not really, they all have their own issues and I guess are trying to be nice by not saying "ain't gonna happen" straight-up.  Not that I even like like people visiting when I am super pregnant.  What is wrong with me!?
  • Husband left for 5 day work Conference the exact morning after my all night pukefest.  I was soooo not meant to be a single parent!  That 6:30pm-7:30pm hour is horrible.  There is a(t least) dinner mess, I am worn out for the day, and somehow the kids catch a second wind of energy.
  • Gabe became obsessed with prettying up his eyes with markers and pillaged make-up, while Sera at some point (don't ask me when) chipped a tooth.  These, combined with that twilight hour of yelling and chasing, makes me a shoe-in for Worst-Mother-of-the-Year.
  • The move set us back a couple of thousand dollars!  We are not poor and I cannot complain.  We actually have a great budget and should come out on top in less than six months (even with our newest's approaching medical bills.)  The problem is that I have been splurging on treats and outings trying to make friends.  Gah!
Ok ok enough of the downers!  Just a reminder of our humanity!  I will get out of this funk.  No wonder no one is calling.  It would be downright depressing to listen to me.  I, myself have avoided dear friends in these situations.

On To The Goodtimes!
  • My body rid itself of all poison (everything really.)  I physically feel great!
  • It was in the 50*'s here and I felt like autumn!  We made apple pie and wore long sleeves (for the morning.)
  • The day before Michael finally came home, Elizabeth (my Sis-in-law) came over and we took the kids to the Vigil Mass, got donuts, and had dinner!  She saved me from a break down! 
  • Michael took off Monday and we went shopping as a family and were super productive.
  • After a few rescheduled appointments, I finally get to see my midwife Heather tomorrow afternoon!  They let kids come and just play in their playroom and with the receptionist, which lets me focus on my check-up!
  • Also They are letting us pay itemized for our maternity care!  This is huge!  It changes our upfront cost from 4,500 to 2,800.  (For those of you curious about homebirth/birthcenter care, they usually charge upfront by 34-36weeks, then insurance refunds you.  In MD/VA/WV homebirth charge is 4,000 and that is a little high because of the legal battles and anti-midwife stigma in the area.  There are no current legally practicing homebirth midwives in MD!  (a topic for another post)  4,500 is a great price for all the "bells and whistles" of this birthcenter in TX!  We get a discount because we transfer in late and can pay upfront early.  The late transfer line is still 3 weeks away for us, but they are soo reasonable and friendly here!  Alright, I will save gushing about Heather for other posts and updates. 
  • I am back in full swing in the kitchen!  We have a shopping schedule and the pantry and fridge are full!  I even pulled out the crock pot!  I have a cycle for big meals and lighter ones and tons of left overs.  This really makes it feel like home. 
  • We have an amazing backyard, just enough landscaping to make it pretty, but not too much to overwork us!

Gabe dresses himself and changes shoes hourly
  • The kids love each other!  It really is the sweetest thing to watch these two.  If Sera gets hurt (which she always does) Gabe tells her it is ok and holds her for a kiss.  He also gets up to usher her back to bed when she comes to the gate for another "20 more minutes of prebed cuddle." (sometimes with a "stop crying!")  They both bargain with each other over watching youtube clips of Elmo(Sera) or Thomas(Gabe.)  Both of them are without fail sure to grab two of anything offered so they can share with the other!  Adorable!  Gabe even talks about holding the new baby and gives her kisses.
  • This makes me happy
  • It is my favorite season and that means chocolate chi, pumpkins, and the beautiful oranges, reds, and yellows in the flowers Michael brings home!
I have read a lot of blogs recently from these perfect stay at home moms who have it all together and have like a million hobbies and perfect children, families, and houses.  I cannot relate!  Hopefully someone out there can relate to me!
In preparation for December and delving into one of my favorite topics, I'm planning on putting down the birth stories of our first two children for my next posts.  This can be a warning to some folks and a "get excited" for others!  And now can end the longest post ever!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

...just to give you a piece of the daily craziness

  Remember the post this morning where Gabe started drawing on his eyelids.  I hardly ever put on make-up so he must have watched me like once and it stuck in his head.  [Side story:  as a one year old Gabe was allowed to play with my nail polish.  It was fun working on colors and categorizing.  I stopped that when he turned 2 and could start opening them.]  Well Gabe was taking a nap(working off his sickness) so I let Sera have them.  Gabe must have heard the fun, because I come out of the bathroom to him saying "oh no, oh no."  Not good.  With some quick action (eye rinse routine) and then quick remover work on the cream carpet, this crisis has passed. 

Of course this gave Sera time to get into her own mischief.  The skunk even tried to hide in the Garden tub.  Time to get the hook and eye closer for the bedroom (only for nap and bedtime.)  This is why the playroom and the stairs have a gate!  Also why mommies use the bathroom with the door open!

Look Mom! I made a house a home!

  Sorry to create a blog and then disappear for a week.  I have a good excuse!  We were/are sick!  really sick.  At first I just thought the runny noses were allergies, which I hear everyone who moves to Austin gets like until they move away again. 

Proof of Sickness.  The kids LOVE their beds, but they didn't make it there.  Also they never sleep together, that always turns into nonstop giggles or kickfights, never sleep!

But then it got worse with the heavy head stuffed head...and then came the all-night detox!  My poor body spewed out Everything in 10 hrs.  The next day I had a total of 10 saltines and lots of water.  Did I mention the lovely husband (who has not been sick) left that morning for a 5 day conference in Oklahoma City?  Thank God the kids just have the runny noses and cough!  So I am now on the upswing and finally straightened up our sickhouse.  What better time to take pictures and update y'all.  Please notice I wrote "straightened,"  not "clean."

This is the Front Door
Upstairs: Kids Room(straight), Play/Guest Room(right), Kid/Guest Bath(left), Master Suite (left.) Linen Closet/Bookcase.
Kitchen/Dinning Room
Kitchen (Loving the Giant Fridge!)
Kids Table/Nook
Garage Door Off Kitchen, also 1/2 Bath and Laundry/Pantry
Storage/Closet/Laundry Room/Pantry

Kids Room!  Little People for Scale.  Was a study with shelving all around.  Now for Sleeping/Dressing/Reading

Beds and the Closet is full of Books

Kids/Guest Bath.  One of THREE Bathrooms I have to keep Clean UGH.
Playroom/Guest Bedroom

Little people for scale

Sleep Sofa for all those guests clamoring to visit!
 This concludes our tour!  I will show the Backyard and Master Suite later/when I straighten them.  My only real complaints would be the lack of storage/linen closets, the noise a high ceiling can carry, and the fire ants building sand piles everywhere.  Also the two car garage holds two cars, not a car and a van.  Overall we are super happy and will be here at least 15 months!  This is our little Texan Girl's first house.  AWWWW.  I will also make sure to post belly pic soon!  Off to HEB (Here Everything's Better, a Texas Grocery Store) for rice cakes, saline, and Gatorade to help us finish off this sickness!

PS.  Like Gabe's bow?  It matches his eyeliner.  He was drawing on paper with my eyeliner yesterday, which I stopped, and he was told that is only for eyes.  So, today all coloring utensils were used on his eyes.  I tried to get pictures, but he does this funky eye scrunch thing when you go in for a close-up.  Also he gets a plug (which happens to be pink) when he is sick (especially since Mom is also sick!)